How to Prepare For a Remote Interview and Get Your Dream Tech Job

How to Prepare For a Remote Interview and Get Your Dream Tech Job

More than a year after your initial lockdown, we’re investigating how to prepare for remote interviews and get on with your technical rhyme work. 


The global pandemic has raged the world for over 12 months and has changed a lot since we first entered the lockdown. We had entered the “new normal” and everyone got used to it – remote interviews were part of the new normal.


One of the most important things that change is the way we work. Most people are asked to work from home whenever possible.

Of course, this means the interview can also be done remotely. Undoubtedly, this can be a somewhat annoying experience, but it doesn’t need to be.



We’ve decided to put together a directory listing to help you prepare for remote interviews and ultimately get you the technology job of your dreams (thumbs up for you!).


Prepare as normal

In the end, you have to treat this interview like a real job interview. Prepare as you would if you needed an interview.


Do your research and find out about the company you are applying to. Look at the company background, headlines (eg funding circles, etc.), and the people you will be interviewing.

All the things you would do if you went to the office for an interview.


clean up

The last thing you want is to look unprofessional when preparing for a remote interview. Yes, we mean the chaos that only occurs when working from home. Make sure the room you use is neat and crowded.


Keep your business background as clean and neutral as possible if possible – but if that can’t be done, don’t think too much of this part of it (we can’t always control the background images around us).

When your desk pops up, clear the top and get rid of anything clutter.


Not only will you become more professional, but you won’t be easily distracted by things in space. win, win.


Dresses for this occasion

Look, we all work from home in our “comfortable clothes” now. I’m in hell in my pajamas as I write this, but interviews are an exception.


Dress appropriately. The point is to blend in with the company culture but be careful not to undress or overdo it.


Stay away from clothing with logos and patterns as this can be a distraction and hiring managers want to focus on what you have to say and whether you are right for the company and the job.


Clean clothes in your wardrobe that haven’t been seen since March 2020.


Your technology

Given that you are applying for a technical position this may not be a problem, but it is worth mentioning. Make sure you have a strong internet connection for your interview.


If possible, do a test run to ensure that the camera, microphone, and WiFi are working properly. But don’t worry too much if technical difficulties arise during the interview – it’s sometimes inevitable.



Timing is key

When planning a remote interview, don’t assume that someone is in the same time zone as you.

Please state your timezone’s incorrect terminology and add correct differences to UTC, GMT, or your colleagues’ timezone. 


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