Best Scholarships In Asia For African Students

Best Scholarships In Asia For African Students

Asian countries such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, India, and Taiwan are fast becoming attractive study destinations abroad for international students. The governments of these countries provide the best scholarships in Asia for African students, especially those from underdeveloped countries, to recruit smarter students and enhance bilateral partnerships between nations. Here is a list of scholarships in Asia and the Middle East for international students from Africa and developing countries to enable young Africans to realize their ambition to study in a developed or growing Asian economy.

Table of Contents

Top 20 Scholarships in Asia for African Students

1. Government of Malaysia International Bursaries (MIS) at Malaysian universities

The Malaysian Government’s Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) program aims to bring the greatest minds worldwide to Malaysia to pursue advanced academic education. The aim of this undergraduate scholarship for African students in 2022/2023 is to assist the Malaysian government’s efforts to attract, motivate and retain talented foreign human resources. The previous deadline for applications was 15 September.

2. Beijing Government Scholarships for Undergraduate, Master’s, and Doctoral International Students

Beijing Municipal Government has established the Beijing Government Scholarship (BGS) to cover all or part of the tuition expenses for overseas students studying or wanting to study in Beijing. Previously, applications were submitted each year by the end of February.

3. Schwarzman Scholars Fully-funded Masters Scholarship for International Students – China

The Rhodes Scholarship was established in 1902 to promote international understanding and peace, and the Schwarzman scholars were designed to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century and beyond. Blackstone co-founder Stephen A. Schwarzman made a $ 100 million personal contribution to the program and is leading a fundraising campaign to generate an additional $ 350 million from private donors to donate it forever. The $ 450 million donations will fund up to 200 scholars from the United States, China, and other countries for a one-year Masters’s Program at Tsinghua University in Beijing each year. The previous deadline for applications was 15 September.

4. UNESCO / China (Great Wall) co-sponsored fellowship for students from developing countries

Under the auspices of UNESCO, the Government of the People’s Republic of China has made 75 Fellowships available to UNESCO for advanced study at the undergraduate and graduate levels. These undergraduate scholarships for African Students in 2022/2023 are for developing countries in Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Europe, North America, and the Arab world. The fellowships, which are available at a limited number of Chinese universities, are for one year. The majority of undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 will be offered in English. Candidates can be expected to study Chinese before doing research or studying in their fields of interest in extreme situations. The deadline for applications is April 20.

5. Ashinaga Fully Funded Undergraduate Scholarships for Orphans from Africa

Ashinaga is a non-profit organization based in Japan that assists orphaned students with educational and emotional support. In the past 45 years, the organization has helped more than 95,000  orphans, and many of its alumni are actively contributing to society in various disciplines around the world. The previous deadline for applications was 28 February.

6. Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships for Foreign Students

International students are encouraged to apply for Brunei Darussalam Government Scholarships to attend Brunei Darussalam University [UBD], Islam Sultan Sharif Ali university [UNISSA], Brunei Institute of Technology [ITB], and Brunei Polytechnic (PB) in Brunei to study. These undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 are given to ASEAN, OIC, Commonwealth member states, and other students. Typically, a scholarship award is valid for the duration of the program. The previous deadline for applications was 13 March.

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7. Japannese regering (Monbukagakusho: MEXT)Scholarship

Under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) is offering undergraduate scholarships to African students in 2022/2023 who wish to study at Japanese universities. The deadline for application varies by country.

8. Youth of Excellence Scheme of China (Yes China) Master Scholarship for Developing Countries

The Chinese government has established the Scholarship for Youth of Excellence Scheme of China — Master Program (YES CHINA) ”to provide financial support to outstanding youth coming to China to pursue a master’s degree in mutual understanding and friendship between China and others. to promote countries, as well as to provide educational opportunities to young people worldwide who have good potential in their career development. Applicants from 56 developing countries will apply for the duration of the program.

9. Higher Education Scholarship Program for Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Students in Taiwan

Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund ( Taiwan ICDF ) offers Higher Education undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 for (4 years), Masters (2 years), and doctoral (4 years) degrees at prominent Taiwanese universities. Previously, the deadline for applications was March 17.

10. Anhui Government Scholarship for International Students – China

The Anhui Government Scholarship Program for International Students was established to encourage more international students to study and conduct research in Anhui higher education institutions, to improve the quality of international student education, to promote mutual understanding and friendship between Anhui people and people from other countries, and to expand the global influence of Anhui’s education. Deadline for applications: Participating universities will choose the deadline.

11. Joint Japan / World Bank Postgraduate Scholarship Program Japan

Through the Joint Japan / World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, the World Bank and the Japanese government offer master’s scholarships to graduate students from developing countries who wish to study in Japan. Scholars are expected to return to their homelands and use their newfound knowledge and abilities to accelerate economic and social progress. The previous deadline for applications was 23 February.

12. University of Tokyo Masters and Ph.D. Scholarships for international students

International students can apply for scholarships covering school expense exemptions, scholarships, emergency loans, and student discounts at the University of Tokyo. This undergraduate scholarship for African students 2022/2023 has two objectives: to financially support self-supported international students with exceptional academic achievement and to expand the number of international students. The previous deadline for applications was 1 May.

13. Jiangsu Provincial Government Scholarships for International Students – China

The Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship for International Students was established by the Jiangsu Provincial Government to promote the development of international students’ higher education in Jiangsu, to raise the profile of Jiangsu education around the world, to promote the Jiangsu Study brand to promote, and to make Jiangsu a preferred province for international students to study in. The deadline for applications is April 15.

14. MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program at the American University of Beirut (AUB) Lebanon

The MasterCard Foundation and the American University of Beirut (AUB) have joined to award full scholarships to students at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS). This $ 9 million scholarship initiative will enable young people to study for a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health or Medical Laboratory Sciences at AUB if they are concerned about their communities’ concerns and are proactive in their surrounding environments. The previous deadline for applications was 3 April.

15. Hong Kong Ph.D. Society Scheme for International Students

The Research Grants Council (RGC) approved the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) in 2009 to attract the best and brightest students from around the world to Ph.D. programs in Hong Kong’s universities. Each academic year, approximately 230 Ph.D. undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 will be given. The chosen institutions may grant additional funding to recipients who require more than three years to complete their Ph.D. grades. The previous deadline for applications was 1 December (annually).

16. Indian Government (ICCR) Scholarship for 900 African Undergraduate / Postgraduate Students 

The Indian Council on Cultural Relations awards 900 scholarships to students from underdeveloped countries to study in India under this scheme. The Honorable Prime Minister of India announced the Government of India’s initiative to enhance academic opportunities for students from African countries in India by the number of best scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 available for undergraduate, postgraduate, and higher courses at the first plenary session of India-Africa Forum summit in New Delhi in April 2008. The previous deadline for applications was 1 January.

17. Rotary Yoneyama Foundation Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Scholarships for international students

The Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation awards scholarships to international students who wish to study or do research at Japanese universities or graduate institutions. Donations from Rotarians across Japan fund his scholarship fund. In terms of program scope and the number of best scholarships in Asia for African students, the Foundation is Japan’s most prominent private scholarship organization. The previous deadline for applications was 15 December.

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18. Jindal Africa Scholarship for 50 African students to study in India

This scholarship program aims to help fellow developing countries improve their human capital through higher education. It aims to develop young Africans ‘abilities by bringing them to the JGU campus in India and training them in key disciplines relevant to their nations’ national goals. The ultimate goal of this program is to strengthen people-to-people ties between India and Africa. The previous deadline for applications was 31 May.

19. Singapore: Nanyang President’s Postgraduate Bursaries (Fully Funded) for International Students

The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a prestigious and competitive scholarship program designed to encourage outstanding graduates or final-year students to pursue a doctorate at Nanyang University of Technology (NTU), one of Asia’s top research universities. NPGS beneficiaries will receive funding for up to four years. Each academic year will be awarded up to 30 NPGS awards. Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholars will be the name given to the successful candidates. The previous deadline for applications was 30 November.

20. Indonesian government scholarships for students from developing countries

The Developing Countries Partnership Program on Scholarship, also known as Beasiswa KNB (Chemitraan Negara Berkembang), is a three-year master’s degree program offered by one of Indonesia’s top universities. Since 2002, the program has been open to master’s candidates from developing countries worldwide. The previous deadline for applications was 9 February.

Application process and suitability

All qualifying students receive an application form from the Admissions Office. All admitted students can apply for a bursary through the bursary application form. Students can submit an application that includes all official and required documentation. All overseas graduates with a passion for research and strong academic results can apply. Good written and spoken English skills; good academic referee reports are all requirements for bursary qualifications.

How to get a full scholarship

Full scholarships (sometimes known as full-time scholarships) are the holy grail of financial aid and pay for almost all expenses for the entire three or four years of education. The provider will cover your tuition and living expenses so you can focus on your education and social life without worrying about money. Isn’t that fantastic? Unfortunately, there are not many of these best scholarships in Asia for African students. Complete scholarships are uncommon, and those that do exist are very competitive. This is not to say that you should not apply for them. Use these guidelines to learn how to improve your chances of receiving one of these prestigious scholarships.

1. Understand where to look

First of all, where are you going to look for full scholarships? Your first stop should be the official website of your chosen university, as they may have scholarship opportunities for students from your country or who are studying your subject, as well as external best scholarships in Asia for African students for which you can apply. You can also visit sites like, as well as our Scholarships to Study Abroad page, which lists funding opportunities in various study destinations, scholarships focused on specific subjects, and the best Scholarships in Asia for African students aimed at specific student groups, in addition to your university (eg African students).

2. Prepare ahead of time

If you know you will need a full scholarship to help you pay for college, you need to start planning as soon as possible. This is especially important if you need to attend an interview. Some universities hold special scholarship weekends, where 50-100 students on campus are invited to conduct an interview with a faculty member and answer questions about their goals and motivations and how they fit into the university and course. If you have to attend a scholarship interview, dress smart and come prepared with good answers to their possible questions, as well as some questions to ask them when asked at the end of the interview.

3. Maintain your motivation by working hard.

While some full scholarships may be offered entirely based on financial need rather than academic achievement, others will consider both factors or be given only to exceptional students. You have to work hard in your studies, but you will have to go above and beyond if you want to receive a full scholarship, as the majority is given to the best students. In some situations, institutions will automatically evaluate full bursary applicants based on their regular university application, therefore good degrees are required. While it can be mentally exhausting to push yourself intellectually, strive to stay motivated by remembering your goals and taking time to rest now and then (especially during and after the exam season).

4. Make yourself unique among other candidates

With so much competition for a full scholarship, it is important to stand out from the crowd by showing a sincere desire to improve yourself as a person. This includes having some extracurricular activities to show off at scholarship providers, to showcase your passions and interests outside the classroom, as well as examples of times you have been involved with the local community, such as volunteering for a good aim to do. Scholarship providers value leadership qualities, which you can demonstrate by offering to lead initiatives in your extracurricular activities or community service.

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Another item that can help you stand out from the crowd when applying for the best scholarships in Asia for African students is a favorable assessment of your academic performance. Since your academic mentors will give a more personal and accurate reflection of you in their referral letters if they know you well, it is important to establish close relationships with them.

5. Read the application instructions carefully.

This may seem striking, but you do not want to risk your chances by overlooking a document or piece of information required by the exchange’s application guidelines. Make sure you read the application advice thoroughly and regularly so that you do not miss anything, and send an email to the provider if you have any questions.

Submit a brilliant scholarship essay or cover letter.

Your application essay/cover letter must be of the best possible standard. This implies that it should be clear and concise, properly formatted, have a powerful opening, stay focused on the main issue or topic, and have perfect spelling and grammar. Ask a partner to go over it and look for typos and any sentences that do not read as well as they can.

7. Be realistic in your expectations.

Finally, there are not many full scholarships available, as we mentioned earlier. They are incredibly competitive, which means that many candidates who meet and exceed the requirements for a full scholarship end up missing out. Do not let this discourage you from applying, but keep your expectations in check. Remember that there is no limit to how many bursary applications you may submit, and there is usually no limit to how many best bursaries in Asia for African students you can receive, so you may be able to combine two or smaller bursaries to create your own full. fair.

Of course, check with the providers to determine if you qualify for and receive assistance from other sources. If you do receive rejections, do not let them discourage you; pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep trying until you reach your goals.



Several scholarships are available for African students interested in studying in Asia. These are the best scholarships in Asia for African students that will enable students to study, work and live in another nation in 2022/2023 and are also accessible. Almost anyone from anywhere in the world can apply for this best scholarship in Asia for African students, depending on their home country’s relationship and regulations with scholarship laws. All of these undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023 have been created for students, so you need to give them a try.


Frequently Asked Questions

What types of scholarships are available?

There are opportunities for the best scholarships in Asia for African students at universities worldwide, ranging from partial scholarships that pay only a portion of your tuition to full scholarships that cover the entire course of study. Most scholarships simply pay for tuition, leaving students responsible for their own cost of living.

What are the chances of getting a scholarship?

Do not be fooled by the fact that scholarships are quite competitive. After all, many students worldwide are trying to raise funds for their studies. Although some of the best scholarships in Asia are awarded to African students based on academic achievement (‘merit-based scholarships’), the quality of your application and whether you are financially needy or not are generally the deciding factors.

Can I get a scholarship for postgraduate study?

Yes! Postgraduate scholarships to study abroad are more common than undergraduate scholarships for African students in 2022/2023. Universities and governments are typically eager to attract highly skilled graduate students, and graduate scholarships are frequently used as an incentive.

Where can students find scholarship opportunities?

It is recommended that you first look at the information provided by your selected university to identify the best scholarships in Africa for African students for which you are eligible. Funding information will be available on the university’s website or in the prospectus, as well as essential contact information if you have any questions about bursary applications.

How can I get a full scholarship to study abroad?

“Will any scholarship cover 100% of the cost of studying abroad?” is a question that many students who want to study abroad ask. The correct answer to this question is ‘NO’. International students are not eligible for fully-funded scholarships.

Which country offers the best opportunity for a full-fledged scholarship?

Germany. Admission to this country is especially popular among students from all over the world. This is no surprise: almost all German universities are free, and the DAAD, the country’s largest scholarship fund, offers a cost-of-living scholarship.

Which country is most advantageous for obtaining a scholarship?

Countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Australia are among the most promising study destinations abroad, attracting many students from around the world because of their excellent education systems and post-study jobs.

In which countries is it easiest to get a scholarship?

Nowadays, China is the easiest to apply to. The Chinese government and universities offer internationally funded scholarships to international students. These scholarships pay for your entire stay and training in China.


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