About us

BUZZBONGO  is a website founded by a group of professionals with extensive experience in creating content on the Internet. The information you will find is prepared by experts in each of the topics covered on the web. The main objective of the project is to give our users a professional, verified, and up-to-date response to solve the doubts and problems they may have in their day-to-day life.


What are we doing about buzzbongo?

The BUZZBONGO Platform covers Information virtually in every niche ranging from “Knowledge of the Finance ,small business,Business Ideas, Entrepreneurship, Personal Finance , Investing and Psychology,”  at NO COST. Our goal is to fully prepare you mentally and build your confidence by providing you with the information you need to be successful. What “knowledge” do we offer now? The knowledge we provide is packaged in the form of:


Eligibility report
Business formation manual
Sample business plan template
Skills development courses
Investment opportunity analysis
Investment tips and plans

Our Purpose

Our ultimate goal is to keep serving society through a virtual environment that enables people who wish to develop their personal and professional skills in fields related to administration, business, and the economy to share and acquire knowledge.


The extensive center for theses, documents,
publications and educational resources on the Internet


Writing Team


Paloma Vincent

I have a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). My work as an editor and writer at BuzzBongo has allowed me to specialize in SEO Content and share all my knowledge in fashion, beauty, wellness, and healthy living with our readers. I invite you to continue browsing the web and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to leave your comment on any of our articles.



Vicent Rock

I graduated in Communication. I have been sharing articles on BuzzBongo since 2019, especially those related to health and animals. Since then, my experience as an editor has allowed me to continue disseminating useful information to resolve frequently asked questions in these areas. Do you have any questions? Leave me a comment and I will answer you as soon as possible.


Paul Cardona

Although I am from Mexico City you will find me behind a good book. I am passionate about writing and being able to teach people things that they do not know, especially in the field of health, education, and human relations.


Irene Justine

A few years ago I studied ATV and specialized in various veterinary-related fields. More recently I trained in International Trade and Marketing and ITM. I love sharing knowledge and ideas and I am passionate about animals, among many other things. Therefore, I enjoy writing about what I know well: animals, beauty, health, and sports.


Naima Wanjiru

I graduated in Literary Studies at the University of Nairobi and later did a master’s degree in Professional Publishing in the US. I am always involved in one project or another, all related to writing. I invite you to take a look at my One BuzzBongo articles, where I write mainly about education, nutrition, healthy living, health, sports, and beauty.

About me, the writer(founder)

Moses K. G.

Reader, Writer, Entrepreneur, Teacher, Advisor, Consultant, and Counselor. In that order.

I am a Business Administrator,

I am passionate about Strategy and much of what I write on the Blog emerges from its conceptual roots. Good for the world of business, entrepreneurship, or Personal Development

I have the advantage of being trained in a highly flexible profession in its doctrinal components. And this gave me the freedom to get out as many times as I have considered necessary from any epistemological frontier that limited me.

I believe that “there is nothing more practical than a good Theory” and that “it is good to have your feet on the ground, but nothing forces you to have your head at the height of your feet”.

I know what the world calls triumphs and failures. I live both at every moment, always. Like everyone.

I believe that success and failure are things that can only be measured with very personal yardsticks. For this reason, each person is their definitive judge.

I am a family man and I hold the conviction that this constitutes an essential element of personal and professional balance. I believe in the power of affection and the liberating capacity of Love.

From my point of view, Happiness is good that life offers in abundance every day and is available to whoever decides to possess it.

I maintain that Freedom is the greatest of the Values ​​that have been given to man. That is why I submit to any way of thinking about Creative Individualism, and I reject the desire to find solutions to man’s problems in his collective or social aggregate. Of course, I believe in justice, but not inequality, much less that which is imposed from the outside.

I believe in God and also in the Freedom and maturity of man to understand his own Faith. I do not have or practice any religion. And regarding all this, I do not constitute myself as any kind of judge, only as a writer.

I believe finally, that this is me at this moment. And I do not have enough arrogance to define how I will be tomorrow.



Golden jubilee Tower, 3rd floor | Ohio street P.O Box 60008 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, EA

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