20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know

20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know
SEO has become essential for brands, companies, and organizations to position themselves in the first entries of search engines, and thus increase traffic to their web pages. Next, we show you the 20 best free SEO tools that you can use to improve the visibility of your website and attract more visits than ever, do not miss it!

20 free SEO tools that you cannot miss

1# Google Analytics

It is an indispensable tool that every marketer and SEO must know. With it, you will be able to carry out analyzes and see the performance of your website, obtain information on the conversions of visits as well as technical analysis reports (advertising, social networks, content, etc…).

20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know

2# Google Search Console

One of the best extensions that Google can offer you. It allows you to remove negative URLs and backlinks from your website, among others. In addition, it offers detailed reports on search analysis, crawl errors, and searches of your website.

20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know

3# Google Keyword Planner

It is one of the most practical free SEO tools to find keywords. Keywords are an essential element of SEO. They help us to better position our web page by making search engine algorithms see the content of a page as relevant and of interest to users. With this tool, you will not only find keyword suggestions but also information about the frequency with which they are searched and the changes over time.

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4# GoogleTrends

With Google Trends we will be able to detect what search trends are taking place at a national and international level. This tool allows you to see which are the most active searches based on the geographical area, the trending lists, or the most viewed videos on YouTube.

20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know

5# Google Page Speed

One of the essential aspects to improve the user experience is to increase the loading speed, which will also serve to improve your web positioning or SEO. With this tool, you can analyze and optimize the page speed of your website or blog.

20 Best Free Seo Tools That  You Should Know

6# Google Mobile Friendly test

Users are accessing the internet from mobile phones more and more frequently. Therefore, your customers will also be browsing your website from this device. This Google tool allows you to optimize your website so that the experience of your users is just as good from any device.

7# Google My Business

One of the most useful free SEO tools. In your profile, you can add all the information about your company that may be attractive to potential customers. Also, through Google My Business, you close the distance between you and users, creating the kind of dialogue that gets the attention of search engine algorithms.

It is important that your customers can easily find you on the web. It is also important that when they have something to say about their experience with your company (especially if it is something positive), they have a place to do it. With this tool, you can create personalized links to send to your customers and write their opinions directly on your Google profile.

9# Semrush

A very complete freemium model SEO tool. Some of the free features include keyword research or analysis of your competitors. If at any point you decide to invest more in SEO, there is also a paid option that works wonders. Until then, you can also take advantage of SEOquake, a full-featured affiliate Chrome extension.

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10# Microsoft ISS SEO Toolkit

This extension allows you to perform detailed analytics on your page, manage robots.txt files, and manage indexes and sitemap files to control how search engines interact with your page content.

11# Ahrefs Keyword Generator

Ahrefs keyword generator brings the first 100 keyword ideas for any seed keyword or phrase from our database. Shows the estimated search volume for each suggestion.

12# Ubersuggest

A fantastic tool for finding keywords, as it gives you the number of searches per word and geographic region and shows you the top-ranking pages that contain those keywords.

13# Answer the public

If you want to know what people are searching for (and how could you not, if it’s the best way to create relevant content?) this is the perfect tool. Answer the Public shows you searches related to the keywords you enter. This way you will know exactly what the needs of your public are, and you will be able to supply them.

14# Screaming frog

This is one of the most used tools to perform SEO audits. In the free version, up to 500 URLs can be analyzed. Thanks to Screaming Frog, you will be able to eliminate all SEO errors from your web page simply. And if you want to go further, you can always bet on the paid version, which allows you to analyze unlimited URLs.

15# Serprobot

Knowing where your website ranks in search engines is essential to controlling your SEO strategy. That is precisely what this tool offers you. This way you can determine exactly what works and what needs improvement.

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16# Outdated content finder

Just like the name says, Outdated Content Finder helps you find outdated content on your website. So simple, and so essential. To keep your content in top condition, you need to know what needs to be updated.

17# Copy Escape

This is one of the oldest and most effective free SEO tools out there today. Recommended both to control possible cases of plagiarism and to know who shares your content and if they link to your site (and if they don’t, to be able to ask them to do so).

Part of the SEO Power Suite (but free), this tool allows you to analyze the ranking of your keywords, as well as analyze the competition and analyze the on-site SEO of your website. Almost everything, goes, except saving your campaigns. But even so, it is one of the most complete free SEO tools.

A free SEO tool to check the backlinks of your website. Enter a domain in the search bar and let it do the rest.

20# Ifttt

It may not be one of the most obvious free SEO tools, but it is no less useful for that. The perfect way to automate and sync almost everything in your life, from everyday things to your marketing tools. Among other things, it facilitates the flow of content through your different social networks. When everything is in unison, it is easier to produce content that is true to your brand and relevant to your audience.

Have you used any of these free SEO tools? Would you recommend any other? We’d love to hear your opinion! If you have something to share, feel free to leave a comment.


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