19 No Code Tools to create mobile applications without knowing how to program

19 No Code Tools to create mobile applications without knowing how to program

The creation of mobile applications has been simplified thanks to No Code development tools, that is, those that can be used without the need for programming knowledge. These tools allow business owners to create mobile applications in a viable way, minimizing the need for specialized personnel. This article will explore some of the most popular low-code and no-code mobile app development platforms such as Zoho CreatorKnackVisual LANSA, and many more.

These platforms make it easy to build complex applications without incurring the high resource costs associated with the traditional development process. This advancement is thanks to modern technological innovations. In addition, you already know the importance of having a personalized application for your business. So by using no-code app development platforms, you could save a lot of time and money.

What are No Code Tools?

Low-code or no-code platforms are mobile app development frameworks that make it easy to build apps with little or no programming experience.

These platforms feature a graphical user interface, drag-and-drop functionality, and minimal logic, allowing you to build applications without writing extensive code.

In no-code development, it is possible to create applications without having to generate a single line of code (LOC). This means that even someone without programming knowledge can easily develop their own application.

Both low-code and no-code platforms seek to streamline the application development process without relying on conventional programming languages.

Benefits of No Code Tools to create mobile applications

No-code tools offer several significant benefits for both experienced developers and people with no programming experience. These benefits include:

    • Accessibility: No-code tools allow people with no programming experience to create functional applications and websites without the need to learn complex programming languages.


    • Speed ​​of development: These tools make it easy to quickly prototype and launch apps and websites, reducing the time it takes to bring an idea to market.


    • Cost reduction: By reducing reliance on expert developers, no-code tools can reduce the costs associated with software development.


    • Flexibility: No-code platforms offer a wide range of pre-built templates, components, and integrations, allowing users to tailor their applications to their specific needs.


    • Collaboration: No code tools facilitate team collaboration and allow people with different skills and knowledge to work together on a project.


    • Scalability: Many no-code platforms offer the ability to easily scale applications as demand grows or business needs change.


    • Integrations: Most no-code tools include integrations with third-party tools and services, allowing users to connect their applications with other systems and databases easily.


    • Simplified maintenance: Applications built with no-code tools are often easier to maintain and update since changes can be made through the visual interface instead of modifying the source code.


    • Innovation: No-code tools allow companies to experiment and innovate quickly, making it easy to create unique solutions and adapt to changing market conditions.


  • User Empowerment: No code platforms empower users by allowing them to take control of creating and maintaining their own apps and websites, without relying on third-party developers.

In short, no-code tools provide an affordable, fast, and cost-effective way to build custom apps and websites, enabling businesses and individuals to adapt and thrive in an ever-evolving digital environment.

What are the best No Code tools to create mobile applications without knowing how to program?

Here are some of the most recognized low-code and no-code mobile app development platforms on the market.

1. Mendix

Mendix is ​​a low-code mobile app development platform that helps users build, connect, and deploy mobile apps quickly and easily without coding experience. The platform features an intuitive drag-and-drop architecture that allows users to graphically design mobile apps without writing code. This makes it a useful platform for non-technical users and significantly speeds up the development process.

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Mendix offers a wide variety of pre-built templates, components, and integrations, as well as the ability to connect to existing databases and systems. This allows users to develop custom mobile applications tailored to their particular needs and easily integrate with their available technology infrastructure.

Mendix also has several collaboration and implementation tools that help teams work together efficiently, and to ensure that mobile applications are deployed securely and efficiently.

Overall, Mendix is ​​a powerful low-code mobile app development platform that allows users to build custom mobile apps quickly and easily, without requiring extensive technical expertise or resources.

Here are some features of this platform:

  • Visual modeling tools.
  • Agile project management.
  • Reusable components.

2. Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is a no-code application development platform that allows users to develop custom applications for business without the need for programming or technical skills. It provides a drag-and-drop interface that allows users to create forms, reports, and workflows using predefined components or starting from scratch.

With Zoho Creator, you can develop a wide range of applications such as CRM (customer relationship management) systems, inventory management systems, project management tools, and more. This framework also provides several integrations with popular business software tools, such as SalesforceZoho CRM, and QuickBooks, to help users streamline their workflows and improve productivity.

One of the main advantages of Zoho Creator is its flexibility. The platform allows users to create custom applications according to their specific needs, allowing them to create unique solutions that meet their business requirements. Furthermore, Zoho Creator provides several pre-built themes and templates, making it easy for users to get started quickly and easily.

Overall, Zoho Creator is a powerful and easy-to-use platform that makes it feasible for non-technical users to build custom business applications without the need for specialized programming skills or experience.

Some features of Zoho Creator :

  • Unbreakable security.
  • Build more apps with minimal effort.
  • Create amazing reports.
  • Connect with business data and group into teams.
  • Get quick access to mobile apps.

3. Knack

Knack is a no-code application development framework that allows users to create personal web/mobile applications.

hoisted without writing multiple lines of code. The platform is designed in such a way that it is easy to use and useful for users with little or no coding experience.

Using the Knack platform, business owners can build apps for a wide range of purposes, including project management, customer relationship management (CRM), inventory tracking, and much more. The framework provides a variety of tools and templates to help developers get started and assist them in creating data fields and customizing the layout, and functionality.

This platform uses a drag-and-drop interface like other platforms, to make it easy for users to develop their applications. The platform also integrates with a variety of tools and services like StripeZapier, and Google Sheets, to offer streamlined workflows and additional functionality.

Overall, Knack is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals who need to build custom web apps quickly and easily, with no prior coding experience or knowledge required.

Some features of Knack:

  • The Knack platform helps with the development of reminders and notification features.
  • A secure payment system such as PayPal can be easily integrated.
  • Solid platform for developing custom applications.

4. Visual LANSA

Visual LANSA is a popular low-code development platform that helps developers develop web, mobile, and desktop applications using a drag-and-drop graphical interface. It is a broad platform that helps developers build and deploy enterprise-level applications quickly and easily, with little or no coding required.

The platform supports several development technologies, including .NETRPG, and Java, and helps developers build applications that work on different operating systems, such as LinuxWindows, and IBM.

With Visual LANSA, developers can also build apps that run on web and mobile platforms, allowing them to build apps that work across multiple devices.

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This framework also has several features and tools to help developers build complex applications quickly and efficiently. This includes several pre-built components, such as grids, charts, and forms, that can be easily tailored to meet specific business needs. The framework also supports several data integrations, making it easy for developers to integrate their apps with a large collection of third-party services and systems.

One of the main benefits of Visual LANSA is its ease of use. The visual drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for developers of all experience levels to build apps quickly and efficiently. The platform also includes several tutorials and resources to help developers get started quickly and learn new skills.

Some features of Visual LANSA :

  • You can write code inside the IDE.
  • Strong low-code IDE for developing desktop apps, websites, and mobile apps.
  • Develop applications more easily, faster, and at a lower cost than traditional methods.
  • Implementation controls, extensive testing, and integration.
  • Used by many companies around the world.


OutSystems is one of the most widely used low-code development platforms that helps organizations rapidly develop, manage, and deploy custom applications without the need for advanced coding knowledge or experience. The platform is designed to maintain the software development process by assisting users with a visual drag-and-drop interface that enables developers to quickly build applications and automate business processes.

This platform includes a large number of templates and predefined components that allow developers to rapidly create functional prototypes and bring applications to various platforms and devices. It also includes built-in features to automate and manage the deployment process, ensuring applications launch quickly and efficiently.

The OutSystems platform supports a variety of business use cases, including enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), and human resource management (HRM). It also includes built-in integrations with a variety of other business tools and services, such as OracleSalesforce, and SAP.

Overall, this framework is a powerful tool for companies looking to streamline their software development process and speed up the delivery of custom applications. By providing a low-code development environment and extensive prebuilt components and integrations, OutSystems makes it easy for developers to build and deploy applications quickly and efficiently.

Some features of OutSystems :

  • You can deliver scalable applications.
  • You can receive real-time dashboards of site performance.
  • Your applications could be linked with any system.
  • It offers the most modern and up-to-date security for your applications.

6. Microsoft Power Apps

Microsoft PowerApps is a low-code app-building platform that enables businesses to build custom apps for their specific needs without requiring extensive coding knowledge or experience. PowerApps allow developers to build web and mobile apps that connect with multiple data sources, such as SharePointOffice 365Dynamics 365, and much more.

This platform is designed to provide a user-friendly interface that allows developers to build applications using easy-to-place components, simple formulas, pre-built templates, and much more. The platform features a variety of tools to help developers create rich user interfaces, integrate with other Microsoft services, and deploy apps to a variety of devices and platforms.

PowerApps also has built-in security features to ensure that apps are secure and comply with company policies. The platform provides data loss prevention, role-based access controls, and industry-specific regulatory compliance.

Overall, Microsoft PowerApps is a powerful tool for businesses looking to quickly and easily develop custom apps. By providing a low-code development framework and

pre-built integrations with Microsoft services, allow developers to build apps that integrate with existing workflows and data sources, saving time and increasing productivity.

Some features of Microsoft PowerApps :

  • Predefined templates.
  • You will be able to develop web applications compatible with AndroidWindows, and iOS devices.
  • Easy connection of the application to data

7. Thunkable

Thunkable is a no-code app development platform that allows users to create native mobile apps for iOS and Android.

With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, Thunkable makes app development accessible to non-technical users.

Its main features include:

  • Wide selection of components.
  • Integration with databases in real-time.
  • Export to iOS and Android.
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8. Adalo

Adalo is a no-code app-building platform that allows users to quickly build mobile and web apps. Its visual drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to build custom apps without coding experience.

Main features:

  • Creation of applications for iOSAndroid, and the web.
  • Integration with databases and APIs.
  • Predefined and customizable components.

9. Glide

Glide is a no-code platform that allows users to build mobile apps from Google Sheets spreadsheets.

The platform is perfect for users with no programming experience and makes it easy to build apps without writing a single line of code.

Main features:

  • Creation of applications from Google Sheets spreadsheets.
  • Customization of the appearance and functionality of the application.
  • Drag and drop functions.


AppSheet is a no-code application development platform that allows users to create mobile and web applications from data stored in spreadsheets or databases.

Main features:

  • Integration with Google SheetsExcelSQL, and other data sources.
  • Drag and drop functions.
  • Creation of mobile and web applications.


Airtable is a no-code platform that combines spreadsheet and database features into a single collaborative tool. It allows users to create custom applications and databases without prior programming knowledge.

Main features:

  • Databases and spreadsheets in real-time.
  • Integrations with other tools and services.
  • Automations and workflows.

12. Typeform

Typeform is a no-code tool that allows users to create engaging and interactive forms and surveys.

Its main features include:

  • Customizable and adaptive design.
  • Integration with analysis tools and third-party services.
  • Templates and predefined examples.

13. Andromo

Andromo is a no-code platform that allows users to create native Android apps without prior programming knowledge.

Main features:

  • Drag and drop interface.
  • Templates and predefined components.
  • Publication in Google Play Store.

14. web flow

Webflow is a no-code web design platform that allows users to create custom, responsive websites without any coding experience.

Its main features include:

  • Visual drag and drop interface.
  • Templates and predefined components.
  • Integrations with CMS and other web design tools.

15. Bubble

The bubble is a no-code platform that allows users to build fully functional web and mobile applications using a visual drag-and-drop interface. It is ideal for users without prior programming knowledge.

Main features:

  • Customizable and adaptive design.
  • Integration with databases and APIs.
  • The marketplace of plugins to expand functionalities.

16. Appgyver

Appgyver is a no-code application development platform that allows users to quickly create mobile and web applications. The platform offers a wide range of tools and components to build custom applications.

Main features:

  • Creation of applications for iOSAndroid, and the web.
  • Drag and drop functions.
  • Integration with databases and third-party services.

17. Card

The card is a no-code platform that allows users to build single-page websites quickly and easily. It is ideal for personal projects, professional profiles, and landing pages.

Main features:

  • Customizable templates and layouts.
  • Integration with contact forms and third-party services.
  • Publishing on custom domains.

18. Dorik

Dorik is a no-code platform for building single-page websites (landing pages) with an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. It is perfect for personal and professional projects that require a fast and attractive online presence.

Main features:

  • Customizable templates and layouts.
  • Integrations with marketing and analytics tools.
  • Drag and drop the visual editor.

19. Wappler

Wappler is a no-code app development platform that offers a visual interface and drag-and-drop tools to build web and mobile apps.

Main features:

  • Creation of custom web and mobile applications.
  • Integration with databases and third-party services.
  • Templates and predefined components.


In conclusion, no-code development tools and platforms are revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals build custom mobile apps.

With the advancement of digital transformation and the need for businesses to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving marketplace, these platforms offer an affordable solution for building feature-rich and functional applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or experience.

These tools allow developers to focus on the needs of their business and provide specific solutions to improve efficiency and productivity, all without the need to invest in expensive technical resources or a long learning curve.


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