100+ Tested and Proven Home Business Ideas that will make it easy for you to make money

100+ Tested and Proven Home Business Ideas that will make it easy for you to make money

Work from 9 am to 5 pm is boring. Waking up every morning, following the same routine, and meeting the same people can quickly become monotonous. In addition, a person constantly has to live with the fear of layoffs, professional sanctions, downsizing, and so on. Plus, you have to work hard nine or five jobs to make other people rich. At the end of the month, you will only receive a fixed salary and some additional benefits. That is why reasonable people mind their own business. They start small and work their way up the ladder to become what they want to be.


So if you, too, are tired of the nine-to-five grind, want to work flexible hours, spend more time with family, and most importantly, want to get rich (rather than someone else), you should start small. In this article, I am sharing small home business ideas so that you can get started without even spending a huge fortune. With these home business ideas, you can start from scratch and slowly build an empire. No jokes!

Table of Contents

Businesses that do not require you to leave your home

Several online businesses do not require you to leave the comfort of your home. However, you need a personal blog, website, or portfolio website that stands out. Depending on your specific skill set, you can also try different online freelance sites like Freelancer, Fiverr, Guru, or Upwork.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is selling third-party products through your website. If you already have a blog or a functional website, you should give affiliate marketing a try. All you need to do is include affiliate links to the products you sell on your website. When your audience clicks through and buys something through your link, you receive a percentage of the sale price. Your commission can range from 1% to 70%.


If you love spreadsheets and finance, accounting may have a bright future for you. With bookkeeping, you can easily earn up to $60 per hour. You do not need to pass a CPA exam to get started. All you need is a decent laptop and some customer service skills. First, target small businesses, as they need more help with financial management than larger companies.

Call center agent from home

While companies hire call center agents in specific locations, you can do this job anywhere in the world. However, a home call center agent must meet certain requirements. These include a full command of the clients’ language, a telephone line, and a stable Internet connection. It can be a part-time job or a full-time job, depending on your preferences.

Independent Writing

Do you love mixing up words and making people swoon at your thoughts? You can easily start a freelance writing business. You can go for creative content writing for different blogs, technical writing for products/services, resume writing to help people get jobs, copywriting to sell products, or ghostwriting for authors. In this way, you can easily earn around $35 per hour. Good copywriters can make even more money.


For artistic and creative people, animation provides a way to express yourself, but it can also be a great idea for working from home. They can animate website logos, create visual effects for television, VFX shots for movies, and other types of media. I have seen animators earn as much as $106 an hour on freelance websites like Upwork.

Freelance game developer

A game developer helps with a particular phase of game development. Sometimes they create their own concepts for the game. Other times, they work with game designers to develop different concepts and turn them into playable video games. However, if you want to venture into this field, you need to be good at programming, as writing code for different game formats is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Online Chat Agent

This job is ideal for those who want to work from home but don’t want the hassle of talking to clients on the phone. These CS professionals must provide technical support, answer customer inquiries, process returns, or sell products via email, chat, or text. An online chat agent can be full or part-time. Companies also offer very flexible working hours. Therefore, you can work during the night shift, the day shifts on weekdays, or weekends.

Clinical Research Coordinator

A Clinical Research Coordinator is responsible for conducting different medicine clinical trials. They use good clinical practices under the guidance of a principal investigator. You can work from home. However, most employers require a four-year degree in a relevant field such as health sciences, public health, or microbiology.

Technical support

Do you have sufficient knowledge of computers, specialized technical knowledge of a particular industry, and excellent communication skills? If so, technical support may become your next big opportunity. Technical support agents work by phone, email, or online chat. And they have very flexible work hours. You can work during the day, at night, or even on weekends.

Graphic design

If you are a bit creative, you can easily build a whole business around graphic design. It includes logo design, social media posts, ebook covers, layouts, banners, standing people, ads, and more. However, you will need to invest in a proper computer because graphics design software like Photoshop and Illustrator requires professional machines. Hourly rates for freelance graphic design range from $80 to $160, depending on your skill level.

Social Media Consulting

In this age of social media, what can be more exciting than becoming a social media consultant? If you know all the latest fashions and have a basic understanding of social media algorithms, this may be your dream job. And it pays just as well, up to $28.85, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Focus first on small businesses in a particular niche. Then slowly build up your expertise before jumping in for the big fish in the market.


With online tutoring, you can offer your services without leaving your home. You can teach math, English, science, or any other subject to children from elementary school to high school. Different teaching certifications can add to your experience and help you better market yourself in a particular subject. According to Zippia, online tutors in the US earn an average salary of $15 per hour.

Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is just like in-person assistance, except you work remotely. The best thing about this field is that you can offer your services to more than one company. Tasks can vary significantly. One day you’re helping someone enter data, responding to customers, and another day managing a company’s website. So get ready for multiple roles. Virtual assistants easily earn around $60 per hour.

Web Developer

If you love coding, trying web development should be at the top of your list instead of looking for a nine-to-five job. Despite what people believe, you don’t need expert-level coding skills to get started. With a basic understanding of languages ​​like PHP, JAVA, and HTML, you can jump-start your career and expand as your business grows.

Working at home… and beyond

Like everything else, working from home can be exhausting. You start to miss that sweet human interaction and gossip in the workplace. Don’t worry; many options on the job market allow you to run a business from home while also escaping the confines of home. For example:


Who doesn’t love children? You may need to prepare your home for this job, but babysitting can be a good job at home while maintaining some social interaction. Plus, it’s also a great way to avoid the nanny tax. Different states in the US have different laws regarding the age of children and the number of children you can care for simultaneously. Therefore, check your state regulations before venturing into this job. The pay rate also varies accordingly.


Cleaning is an arduous task. And when it comes to years of accumulated junk in attics, basements, and barns, cleanup becomes even more difficult. In case you don’t mind getting your hands a little dirty, cleaning up can be quite a chore. Sure, it may not be your dream job, but that’s exactly why it has great potential as a lucrative business. Junk removal can pay up to $30,000/month.

Home Staging

People who are looking to sell their property at the highest price need their place to look like an ideal place. And that’s where a home stager comes into play. A Home Stager gives you the facelift you need to get the highest price possible. If you enjoy interior design and home management, becoming a home hobbyist can change your life. Home scene professionals are earning up to $0.2 million a year in revenue.

Local tour guide

Do you know all the nooks and crannies of your city? Where is the best food and what makes your city special? Why not show it to tourists by becoming a local tour guide? It will help your city as much as it will help you become financially independent. You can even limit yourself to specific places, museums, libraries, monuments, etc., in case you don’t want to travel a lot.

Massage Therapist

A massage therapist is another great home business idea. Massage his client’s muscles as he works with his hands, elbows, and arms. It requires more than a few bottles of lotion, a cool-looking table, and a semi-damp towel, though. He needs a proper education and a license before he can venture into this business. According to estimates, massage therapists have a median salary of $20 an hour. Not bad, right?


Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to be a rock star to earn a handsome amount from your music. People earn thousands of dollars every month. So if you have musical talent, you can try different things with music. For example, teaching online or in person, creating a youtube channel, showcasing your talents there, writing lyrics, becoming a DJ, helping with audio mixing, entering singing contests, trying out Fiverr and Patreon, etc.

Personal Chef

Do people always appreciate your culinary skills? You can trust your cooking skills and become a personal chef. While you don’t need a formal culinary degree to get started, a few references would help a lot in the beginning. According to Kamikoto’s blog, personal chefs earned $20.43/hr on average in 2018. Chefs with a lot of experience can earn more.

Personal Trainer

Fitness enthusiasts can easily turn their love of fitness into easy money. A personal trainer works from home or travels to different clients’ homes for training sessions. And if you’re certified by any national organization like ACE or NASM, consider your many chances for success. According to the BLS, the average pay rate for PTs is $18.85/hr. However, it varies depending on your experience and location.

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Freeze, frame! Try photography if you are good at handling a camera. You can dabble in event photography, nature photography, portrait photography, architectural photography, children’s photography, etc., depending on your interests. Once you have enough images, sell them on websites like iStockPhoto, Pexels, and Shutterstock to earn a nice amount. Professional photographers can earn up to one dollar per download.

Home Business ideas to sell things

Don’t worry! Selling things from home doesn’t always mean you have to cold call strangers. Instead, in this section of the article, I am sharing some ideas on how to sell your products or third-party products with the help of websites. Sounds interesting, right? We’ll see!

Airbnb Host

People who have a spare room (or a spare apartment/house) can convert it into an Airbnb listing. So instead of selling a product, you’ll be selling your space. To market your place, you’ll need similar marketing skills, such as attractive photos, good reviews, and available facilities. However, keep in mind that lodging laws differ from city to city.

Amazon Seller

Amazon is a multi-billion dollar marketplace. It makes a lot of sense that you can sell pretty much anything there. There are several different ways to sell on Amazon. For example, you can opt for private-label products (your products) or retail arbitrage (third-party products). Similarly, you can let Amazon handle the shipping by opting for the FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) model or handle it yourself by choosing FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant).

eBay Seller

Like Amazon, eBay is another great marketplace to sell your stuff. In fact, on eBay, you can resell products from your local thrift store at a profit. Just check eBay listings for similar items beforehand and make your offer as attractive as possible. Also, be sure to take professional photos of your products to attract as many eyes as possible. A lower price and attractive photos usually attract more looks (and purchases!).

Etsy Marketer

Etsy focuses on custom, handmade products. Do you think you are good at crafting? Try Etsy. At this online marketplace, you can sell your crafts, costumes, refinished furniture, gift boxes, custom jewelry, and all of that for an attractive prize. Focus on professional photos of your products along with good product description writing to attract potential customers. The earning and growth potential on this platform is endless.

Sewing business

If you’re good at making alterations for your kids and adjusting hems for your friends, consider starting your own sewing business. You can use your needle and thread to earn a decent living. Depending on the details, you can charge up to $500 per costume to customize it. Plus, you can also venture into drapery, pet accessories, bags, quilting, religious items, and if you’re good at it, bridal wear.

Home-based businesses that allow you to work outdoors

Working in front of a computer screen can be exhausting. Sometimes you also need a breath of fresh air. Below are some work-from-home ideas that take you to the garden every once in a while. Therefore, you can enjoy operating your business from home surrounded by flowers.

Garden Consultant

Yes, there are garden consultants (just like business consultants) who give their expert opinion on different varieties of plants and how to grow them. With the popularity of home gardening, garden consulting has the potential to become a profitable business in the future. But of course, you need a thorough understanding of plant biology and how different seasons, seeds and fertilizers, etc. impact its growth.

Pet sitter

Are you a pet lover? Becoming a pet sitter can be another profitable business in your neighborhood. You can use various online apps like Rover to connect with pet parents and build a clientele. Rover allows you to add your profile so pet owners can see your experience and decide whether or not to connect. Pet sitters can earn up to $45 per hour.

Seasonal operator

A seasonal operator is a person who prefers to work on particular occasions. Don’t you like winter very much? No problem, you can become a seasonal operator hauling beach gear on those hot summer days. Don’t you like summer? Once again, no problem! You can become a seasoned operator removing snow during cold winter days. Do you have some free time during the winter holidays? Venture into the business of Christmas gifts. Look, a seasoned operator has endless opportunities.

Small-scale agriculture

In case you have a backyard with enough space, you can try small-scale farming. Whether plant-based, such as growing vegetation, animal-based, such as chicken farming, or a combination of both, such as beekeeping, small-scale farming has great potential to become a full-fledged business. Sure, there are some upfront setup and license costs, but considering the high price of these products, it’s pretty risk-free.

Diverse business ideas from home

Looking for even more home-based business ideas? Try one or a combination of the following career paths. I know not all of them will work for everyone, but there’s nothing wrong with trying, right?

Become a Doula

A doula is one of the easiest businesses to start. A doula is a non-medical professional who helps a mother who is giving birth. Doulas can train pregnant mothers in any work setting. It can be anything from a home to a midwife’s clinic or a hospital bed. While getting a professional license is not a requirement in most US states, getting certified by DONA International is a great idea to increase your chances of getting more clients.

Become a grant writer

Schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, training academies, and non-profit organizations all need the services of grant money to benchmark their finances. However, grant letters are difficult to write, especially when you are writing them for the first time. That is why not everyone can write these letters. If you know your way with words, grant letter writing can be a very lucrative career path, earning you up to $80,000 per year.

Become a stylist

Managing your salon from the safety of your home can also be very fruitful. Since you won’t have to pay rent, you can benefit from the amount a customer pays. Just make sure you know your state’s requirements for running a salon. Some states have very strict laws.

Become a travel planner

Sure, everyone can check a review aggregator’s website for the best rates. Not everyone can come up with a complete travel plan. What flights to take, where to stay, try to rent a car or rent a bike? What places to see first? And most importantly, how do you stay within your budget? These are the questions that only a travel planner can answer. And the best thing is that you can start this business with a simple website and some marketing.

Bicycle rental and repair

Renting your bike can be profitable, just like renting your car. You just have to have good marketing skills. Likewise, bicycle repair is also a solid business idea. The demand for repairs remains stable throughout the year. You can easily learn how to repair a bike by watching some Youtube videos. In case of a complex repair, send it to a repair shop and take a percentage of the cost.

Publishing books/e-books

Despite what people think, book publishing has become a very easy job these days. And you don’t even need to be a writer to write a book. Hire a ghostwriter, duh! Sites like Amazon accept almost any book on any topic. What is challenging is getting the word out and reaching your target audience. Therefore, you must be ready to invest in a marketing strategy if you want to venture into this field.

Manufacture/sale of candles

Both the manufacture and sale of candles is another business idea that has great prospects. Make candles at home and sell them online. You can also add a few variations like scented candles, soy wax candles, votives, pillars, taper, etc. Initially, approaching some established retailers may also be a good option. Another idea is to invest in inexpensive candles at your local store and sell them online for a profit.

Car details

Some people love to pamper their pets. Others love to pamper their cards. High-end car owners are willing to pay a considerable amount to have their vehicles properly detailed. But you have to be very good at this job because these clients are hard to please. However, once they are happy with your work, expect a regular stream of income. In addition, they will also recommend it to their friends and family, so expect constant growth.

Car Resale / Boat Resale

People often sell their good-enough cars for trivial reasons at very low cost. You just need a keen eye to spot a car sale that can bring you a big profit on resale. Focus only on popular models and strictly avoid vehicles that may require a major overhaul. Ideally, you need some capital ($10,000 at least in the US) to start this business so you can buy some used cards.

Catering service

No, you don’t have to be a gourmet chef to start your own catering service. If you can cook a single dish better than others, then you should try this option. It is a very low-cost method of creating a food business. Start by serving simple meals for family and friends’ events. Initially, focus on foods that you can cook well. Slowly expand your customer base and experiment with other food items. You can also hire cooks once your business gets off the ground.

Collect debt for a living

Debt collectors only need a laptop and mobile phone to work. Therefore, it is an excellent homework idea. However, it is not an easy job. You must have very thick skin to advance in this business. In addition, it requires a debt specialist certification. Licensing requirements also vary based on your geography. So make sure you have done all the necessary homework before setting up your debt collection shop.

Become a typist

Do you think you can type fast? Become a typist and work from home. A typist is responsible for typing different types of documents and written material for organizations. They use different word processors to record meeting minutes, type presentations, organize reports, transcribe audio, enter data into spreadsheets, record court proceedings, etc. The average salary for a typist is $15/hour in the US.

Do crossword puzzles

While everyone likes to solve these mysterious puzzles, most people don’t know that you can earn a good amount by creating these puzzles. Online puzzle magazines and websites are ready to pay up to $1000 for a single puzzle. Because crossword puzzles are mostly done by hand, it’s not easy for computers to create such a fun crossword puzzle. It takes a human touch to make a quality crossword puzzle.

​​Make business plans

If you’ve ever run a business, even a small one, you should know how to write a business plan. It’s time for you to trust this skill and help other people create their business plans. In case you don’t know how to make a business plan, don’t worry. Several free online courses on Udemy teach you just that. After just a couple of hours of watching a course, you can be ready to help any client looking for a business plan.

Manage social networks

Social media managers earn a decent amount just by keeping a company’s social media managers active and interactive. They are generally good at designing graphics and writing compelling copy. However, these are not required skills. Anyone can learn how to design basic graphics with free online tools like Canva. To get a compelling copy, enlist the help of lurking social media users of your competitors.

Do the medical transcription from home

Doctors often record audio dictations. These dictations must then be correctly transcribed into medical reports. This opens up an opportunity for people familiar with medical jargon and a dictionary to properly transcribe these dictations into useful reports. Generally, you need a two-year degree to make sure you understand the different medical terms. Once you meet the requirements, sign up for apps like FlexJobs to take advantage of medical transcription opportunities.

Dog walking business

A dog walker or pet sitter as the name suggests helps dog owners with their pets. You do not need previous experience or certification. You just need a little dog lover in your heart. Several websites such as Rover.com can help you become a professional in this niche. They have more than enough work to fill the whole week. You can also use these websites to get some short-term gigs. People charge $30 a night or even more to care for pets in their homes.

Drive by Uber or Lyft

You read well. Sure, driving isn’t exactly a work-from-home job, but let me explain its inclusion in my article. Driving for car transportation services like Uber or Lyft is a very flexible job. You can drive anytime you want. What’s more, you can even work for both services at the same time. These services have a fixed rate per mile. Also, there is a chance to receive some tips from generous people. Tips, fixed pay rates, and additional bonuses can add up very quickly. People even hire a driver with a fixed salary to drive their vehicle for these services. Uber allows a “fleet account” that allows you to sign up multiple drivers to a single account.

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Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is simple. You take orders from a customer who needs a particular product or service and then forward them to a third party who fulfills the order. This third party may be the original manufacturer/service provider, wholesaler, or other retailers. You need to build a website using platforms like Shopify. These platforms automate a lot of tedious work. Your main investment will be testing ad creatives for various products.

Fix broken electronics

If you love electronics, fixing these little machines seems like an instinct every time they stop working. And in this case, think about operating a repair shop from your home. As laptops, iPads, and smartphones are the hottest gadgets these days, repairing these home electronics brings a lot of income. This is because repairing broken screens through the manufacturer is very expensive.

Earn money for shopping

Online marketplaces are hungry for your attention. These sites are willing to pay for it. In case you like to shop online, consider making money from home this way. Some popular cashback websites are Swagbucks, Rakuten, and Wikibuy. To understand how they work, consider this scenario: Imagine that Swagbucks has a partnership with Walmart. Every time you buy something from Walmart at Swagbucks.com, they get a commission. Because they want you to keep coming back, these websites offer money back on every purchase. Add up these little rewards and you’ll have a nice chunk at the end of the month.

Handyperson Service

There is a famous saying in business. Just because you haven’t done something doesn’t mean you can’t do it. Starting a handyperson service falls into the same category. Even if you don’t know how to fix broken windows, leaky pipes, and other things around the house, just get out your hammer and you’ll find a way. After all, a handyperson is a jack of all trades. You don’t need to be a master of one. Once your business gets off the ground, you can hire your work and enjoy your free time.

Home bakery

Do you think your pastry is delicious? Why not set up a home bakery? It’s a business idea that doesn’t need any extra costs since you probably have most of the baking equipment in your home. You can then sell your food through local grocery stores, restaurants, or a service like UPS. You can even receive orders directly from your Facebook page. If your state’s laws do not allow setting up a home bakery, consider looking into a shared commercial kitchen.

Home Daycare Business

This business idea is perfect for stay-at-home parents. Since you’re already staying home with your kids, inviting others to the party will double the fun. Also, it will bring you some extra money to help you with your finances. License terms for indoor daycares vary from state to state, so be sure to review all rules and regulations.

Import/export business

Nowadays, you don’t have to travel the seven seas to have a thriving import and export business. Instead, you can do it from a corner of your home. Source your products from places like Alibaba and AliExpress. Get orders from customers and then have the same products delivered right to their doorstep. It’s easy, but make sure you have tabs on QA. Otherwise, you won’t be able to secure returning customers.

Invest in real estate

The owners earn a lot of money from the comfort of their homes. You can also initially invest in real estate as a side business. In case you have no idea about the real estate industry, I suggest you look into various real estate crowdfunding platforms like DiversityFund or CrowdStreet. These platforms allow you to pool your money together with other investors to purchase a particular property. However, each crowdfunding platform is different in its own way.

Invest in stocks

Investing in stocks is like real estate. You can do it while sitting on your couch and watching Netflix. However, investing in stocks is a risky business. Therefore, I recommend it only for people familiar with the market and who have a clear strategy. You can also contract the services of a brokerage firm in exchange for a commission. This will make your investment as safe as possible.

Invest in cryptocurrencies

Stocks, real estate, and cryptocurrency are pretty much the same these days. You can buy different cryptocurrencies without setting foot outside your home. Various platforms like Binance, CoinBase, and others make it easy to invest in crypto. However, cryptocurrencies are very volatile, so I don’t recommend investing your life savings when you’re just starting. Once you have enough knowledge of the crypto industry, you can take it on as a full-time job.

Life or career coaching

Many people, especially teenagers and budding business professionals, are looking for guidance in their careers. Finding a suitable life coach can be very difficult. If you have any experience navigating through your professional, personal, and social life transitions successfully, you can put it to good use by becoming a life coach or career coach. You can then offer your guidance, training, and advice online via video chat from your living room.

The property manager or real estate

Lots of people have property they don’t use. These properties are often based in other cities. As a real estate or property manager, your job is to help them ensure that their property is well-maintained and properly cared for. Also, you need to take care of small fixes as they come up. You are also expected to communicate with tenants and assist landlords in renting the property. According to Payscale, the average salary for a property manager in the US is $50,740.

Facilitation of packaging

People move and change direction from time to time. Packing your everyday things is always a hassle. Therefore, they hire a packing facilitator to help them with the entire packing process. The facilitation of packing ensures a slow but steady flow of clientele. When you are just starting, I suggest partnering up with your local moving service. After a few weeks, they will start referring new clients directly to you.

Bed & Breakfast business

A B&B business is just like a small-time hotel. You transform your place into an ideal accommodation for guests. Simply consider the kind of guests that often travel to your city and then create themed stays that might be of some interest to them. It’s not that easy, but I hope you get the gist. However, you may require a license from your state, so do research your local laws before venturing into a B&B business.

Gym Owner or personal trainer

If you are passionate about physical health and strength training, turn your home into a gym and create a small-town community for others. You can also become a personal trainer in case you have years of experience in the field. But, there may be some legalities involved in this business. You will require a proper license as well as authorization from local authorities about any on-site injuries etc.

Jewelry Making

Some people are good at crafting new jewelry. If you are one of them, you should try selling your designs. People have built successful jewelry brands out of their homes around jewelry selling. You can then sell your products online on specific platforms such as Etsy that deal with handicrafts. Or you can sell your creations at craft fairs, pedestrian stalls, or flea markets.

Own a vending machine

Vending machines are everywhere. Consider your options such as food, drinks, bulk, or specialty vending. After that, find a suitable location. Make sure it’s a place that gets the highest footfall. You may have to work out an agreement with the owner. Finally, you have to find your vending machine – online or from wholesalers/secondary market retailers. After you have stocked and placed it at a suitable location, sit back and relax at your home while your vending machine does the work for you.

Candy Seller

Back in the day, every southern neighborhood had a “Candy Lady.” If you know people in your community and are trustworthy enough, you too can start this home business. Besides selling the most popular snacks and candies, a Candy seller can offer fresh fruits, veggies, and other products that may be hard to find in the local stores.

Join a Food Delivery Service

The concept of a food delivery service is still taking hold. Various services like Uber Eats, Doordash, and Postmates are slowly making their way into the mainstream. Just like an Uber driver takes passengers from one place to another, these services take food orders from food joints and deliver them to the consumers. Same concept, different industry!

Junk Removal

Cleaning up a house after some unfortunate event is an unenviable task. It can be as simple as taking the unnecessary stuff to the dumpster or as complex as separating the trash from the usable and then handling the actual sale of the leftovers. By starting your own business of removing other people’s junk, you can get a profit from sales as well as some pieces of the treasures.

Landscaping Business

Love landscaping your backyard? Landscape designing might turn out to be your dream home-based business. It’s a relatively new field, that’s why the competition is very less. You can learn landscaping skills by working part-time with a landscaping company first. Once there, you can slowly start building your client base. After that, the more creative and unique you can get with your landscaping ideas, the better profit you can accumulate.

Mystery Shopping

Getting paid for shopping? Yes, please! Retailers, consumer watchdogs, and market research companies use mystery shopping to measure the quality of customer service and collect information about product/service delivery. As a mystery shopper, you are expected to visit a retail store, restaurant, bank, or a similar location to measure the quality of goods/services and get paid in return. According to Scambusters, mystery shoppers earn anywhere from $50 to $100 per job.

Online Affiliate Marketing Business

Online Affiliate marketing is when you sell third-party products on your website. You must have seen these articles on different websites talking about buyer’s guides for the top 10 XYZ products. Each of the products contains an affiliate link. When a customer purchases through that link, the website earns a referral fee which can be as high as 30% of the product’s cost. To start this business, you just need a simple affiliate website.

Online Clothing Brand

Online clothing brands are all the rage these days: the reason being, it’s very easy to create your brand. You can sell clothes online and contract out the production work to a third party with a production unit. After that, sell with the help of your website or go to an online marketplace such as eBay or Amazon. When starting, you can begin with a small investment and grow your business as you begin receiving recurring orders.

Online Custom T-Shirt Business/Designer T-Shirts

Custom T-shirts are always in demand. You can easily turn this demand into a full-fledged work-from-home business. People will mail you their artwork, logos, or pictures, and you will have to print up their tees. Conversely, you can sell your designs. It’s considerably easy to print shirts. To get new customers, you will have to reach out to them via the usual digital marketing techniques. You can also perform email outreach to your target audience.

Online Resume/LinkedIn Profile Writing

Not everyone is good with words. If you are one of the talented ones, consider venturing into the Resume or LinkedIn profile writing business. The demand for this particular service is huge. To help you get started, here’s a pro tip. Always highlight what individuals have accomplished in their lives and how they distinguished themselves in a particular position. You should also include SEO-friendly keywords to rank higher on search results.

Painting Business

People hate painting. It is time-consuming, requires a lot of physical effort, and needs skills to do it right. So, if you are a rare species and love the transformation as an old building comes back to life, go on and create a business around it. It is one home-based job that’s both rewarding physically and lucrative financially. Just make sure you don’t get paint in your hair!

Piece Together Some Micro Jobs

With the advancement in technology and the rise of the gig economy, websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Gigwalk saw a major boost. These websites allow you to accept different jobs at the same time. The best thing is you can use all of these services simultaneously. Piece together small jobs, and you can earn a handsome amount in very little time. And the best part is, you can set up all of this from the comfort of your couch.

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Podcasting Business

A podcasting business involves creating informative or entertaining material for listeners. People can then subscribe or listen to the podcast on a smartphone app. Podcasts generate cash with the help of ads. Besides, listeners can also pay for instant access to premium content, bonus materials, and extra episodes.

Prepare Taxes for People

Taxes are taxing (Ha! Forgive me, I wanted to write that). Everyone has to pay taxes, yet nobody wants to deal with it. This is what makes a stay-at-home tax preparation business a great idea for someone who has a little tax background or anyone willing to take a little training for the basics. As the government changes the tax code every year, you have to refresh your training now and then. Also, you have to register with the IRS.

Rent Out a Room in Your House

Vacasa, VRBO, and Airbnb are all online marketplaces that provide lodging facilities to visitors by connecting them with a host. In case you have a spare bedroom in your house, you can list it on these services and get a handsome payout in rent. The charges for the room will, of course, depend on your area. The more tourists it gets and the better facilities you can provide, the more money you can charge for a night’s stay.

Rent Out Your Car

Let’s not name any names, but rental car companies are awful to deal with. They are too expensive, and sometimes you don’t get the service you expect. That’s what makes you (an ordinary Joe) a much better place to rent out your car and get handsome returns. Besides, some other services like Turo allow you to lend your car to total strangers. You just have to list your vehicle and charge whatever you wish for the day (or night).

Sell Your Stuff

Everyone is shopping online these days. This opens up a lot of opportunities for you to sell whatever you want online. In addition to eBay and Amazon, other places like Worthy, Declutter, LetGo, and Gazelle also facilitate online selling. You can sell anything on these platforms. However, to make it a viable business, you should be able to provide consistent value to the customers.

Senior Companion Service

Think of a babysitter but for adults. A senior companion service engages with seniors by providing them with the company. You can easily set up your business model around an hourly rate, errand running for groceries, prescriptions, and extras to fit each client’s unique circumstances. In a way, it’s community service as well. Think about all the lives you can help make better while earning some cash too. The best thing about this business is that you will never run out of clients.

Develop Smartphone Apps

No, you don’t have to be a pro developer to create a basic smartphone app. If you have a little understanding of Java, C++, and object-oriented programming, you can easily create a unique Android app. You can then publish it on the play store and monetize it. Take help from online courses offered by Udemy, and you are good to go without a major investment except for time and effort.

Start a Blog

Love writing your journal or a diary? Why not share it with the whole world, monetize it, and earn some passive income? Niche blogs are particularly making a handsome amount these days. With platforms like Bluehost and Blogger, you can have your website up and running in no time. While building a passive income with a blog is an excellent idea. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea as it requires consistent writing and exceptional patience.

Start a Youtube Channel

Starting a Youtube Channel is a great way to earn passive income. You just need a decent camera and some editing skills. Your channel can be around any of your interests such as music, cooking, gardening, you name it. People are raking in huge cash by just reacting to other people’s Youtube channels. Initially, you will need to put in some effort by creating quality content because YouTube requires a certain number of views before you can monetize the channel.

Start a Child Proofing Business

Everyone wants to keep their kids safe, but very few people know how to make their homes childproof. That’s where a child-proofing specialist can come into action. It’s a fairly inexpensive business to start, but there can be some state regulations involved. Take up an apprenticeship with a professional child-proof to learn the technicalities. There are also some great courses online on Udemy that can help you learn this skill.

Start a Copywriting Business

Copywriters write promotional material for different businesses. It includes advertisements, website copy, commercials, email marketing, newsletters, taglines, and many other similar jobs. Generally, copywriters come from a marketing or English language background, but formal education isn’t necessary if you are good with your words. The hardest part of this job is getting your first client. After that, word of mouth and networking can play a role in growing your business.

Start a Home Inspection Business

People buy homes all the time. An important part of the purchase is getting the services of a home inspector to determine everything is in tip-top condition in the building. A home inspector visits the location and points out any flaws. Anyone who has little experience working in the construction field can take up this job. According to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a home inspector on average earns around $60,710.

Start a Home-Based Organization Business

Believe it or not, you can start an organization business. Yes, some people are too lazy to rearrange their messy closets, living rooms, stores, basements, or attics. They need the services of a professional organizer. The best thing about this business is that you don’t need a certificate or authority letter. Just advertise your services online via different Facebook groups and see how many married individuals contact you.

Start a Voiceover Business

If you have a distinctive voice, you can easily create a business around it. However, professional voice-over requires investment in professional equipment such as a microphone, headphones, audio interface, recording software, etc. It’s a one-time investment. After that, create a profile on freelancing websites such as Upwork or Fiverr and begin selling your voice for some quick bucks.

Subscription Box Business

Subscription boxes are a great way to shop. This business model offers a unique experience to the consumers. One which is curated around different products and themes. It’s a very stable financial model with recurring monthly revenue. You can build your subscription box business around any niche – from coffee to beauty and puzzles to pets. If there’s an online community around a particular product, you can easily build a subscription business around it.

Surveys During Your Spare Time

There are various survey companies online that pay you good money to answer questions in your free time. Some of the hot favorites are, PrizeRebel, Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and SurveyJunkie. Depending on your geography and demography, you can easily earn anywhere from $2/hr to $6/hr by completing different surveys. But, surveys are not the only way to earn money via these platforms. You can also make a handsome amount by playing games, watching videos, becoming a part of focus groups, etc.

Teach Music Lessons

Teaching music (piano, violin or guitar, etc.) lessons online is a pretty cool way to earn a little extra cash without going out of your home. You need to be a little music-minded. While you are at it, some websites let you market your music lessons or even teach via their platform. My favorite is Live Music Tutor. You just need to sign up and create your account to get started.

Tourist Map/Local Business Guide

A map for tourists is a map that highlights various points of interest. These points may include local businesses, important attractions, or street shortcuts to avoid congested traffic lanes. Well, you can get creative with it as much as you want. You can create a physical map, print its different copies, or do it entirely online and publish it on your website. Your choice!

Use Your Language Skills to Translate

Know more than one language? Marvelous! You can easily begin translating documents from the confines of your home. Translators work as freelancers. Therefore you can build an entire business out of one-time gigs. It’s pretty easy too as you just need a website and some advertisement to begin. Networking in various business fields can also benefit your translation business in the future.

Window Treatment Service

Window treatment is expensive. And why shouldn’t it be? It saves a lot of cash on utilities. Plus, it gives a new look to your house. So, why not begin your very own window treatment services? You just need a gorgeously looking website that attracts clients. Once there, you can talk to them over the phone or email before setting up an appointment at their home.

Yoga Studio/Yoga Online

Starting Yoga classes is pretty easy as well. Plus, it’s a repeat customer business with a regular income. Simply convert a spare room in your house into a studio, and you’re all set to offer Yoga classes. Some Yoga entrepreneurs rent out their space or use a client’s area in exchange for a discount. Not to forget, you can also teach your services online via apps like Zoom.

Become an Online Juror

Channel your inner judge, and instead of watching courtroom programs on Youtube, become an online Juror yourself. Oftentimes, lawyers are looking for preliminary feedback on a case they are already handling or about to decide whether to take up or not. Therefore, before heading to a courtroom, they post it on different websites such as eJury, Jury Talk, and Jury Test. It’s a cost-effective way to get the opinion of various focus groups. The payouts vary widely. Depending on the case, you can earn up to $60 within an hour.

Become an Online Researcher

People have money to spend but don’t have the time or know where to find that particular information. So, you can help them out by becoming an online researcher. An online researcher helps people with just about anything, from finding suitable demographics for a food business in a particular area to finding clinics that offer specialized skin treatment and helping out an author with their ebook. You can set up your profile on freelancing websites such as Fiverr and Upwork. There’s no initial setup cost. You just have to make your offer highly attractive to get that first client.

Peer-to-Peer Lender

Several online websites like Prosper and Lending Club offer peer-to-peer lending services. On these platforms, you can easily lend your money to a business or an individual. Therefore, you become an investor and make money on the accumulated interest. A p2p lending services effectively cut out traditional banks and lending institutions as the middlemen, making it more profitable for you. However, if the borrower defaults, you risk losing all of your principal money. Carefully consider all the risks and rewards before becoming a peer-to-peer lender.

Tips for Running a Business Out of Your Home

As obvious, running a business from home is different from the regular nine to five. There are a lot more distractions. You will need a lot more dedication. You will require a lot more discipline. Below are some additional tips for successfully running a business right out of your comfort zone.

  • Always have a dedicated workspace. It will help you better focus on your work.
  • Always set a work schedule. You don’t have to work nine to five, but setting up strict work hours can help you get things done easily.
  • Always protect your work time from distractions coming from friends and family. Don’t let them sabotage your business.
  • Always outsource your extra work.
  • Always keep your business finances separate from your finances.


The daily commute, bickering coworkers, and tight cubicles don’t suit everyone. If you are one such person, try any of the 100 home business ideas we shared above. Working from home has several benefits. You are your boss. You can set the schedule, call the shots and do whatever you think will benefit your business. Most importantly, you can pursue your passions without anyone hindering your progress. Thus, you can craft a life for yourself that you always wanted.

That’s all for now. Let us know which idea suits your fancy. Good luck, and thank you for reading this long article!


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